Variety of Youngest Molar Tooth Problems and How to Overcome It

After the age of 21 years, usually a person will have 32 teeth including wisdom teeth. It's just that during or after the process of wisdom teeth growing, it is not uncommon to cause problems. Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to grow. The growth of molars is often painful. This is because in order to grow, wisdom teeth need to tear the gum part. Not to mention, the potential problem of the direction of wisdom teeth that can cause damage.

Variety of Youngest Molar Tooth Problems

The following are some molar tooth problems that you might experience, and how to overcome them:
  • Fester

  • Wisdom teeth do not escape the problem of suppurating teeth or tooth abscesses, which are no less painful than teeth in other parts. Someone who consumes too much sweet food or lacks dental care is very at risk of having a tooth abscess. If you feel festering, then not only the pain you feel, but also complications may arise. For example pus that spreads to other areas, such as the jaw, neck, or face. Even at the most severe stages, it can be life threatening if it causes blood infection or sepsis. To overcome the infection that occurs in festering teeth, there are a number of things that can be done. For example, taking care of tooth roots, pus drying, giving antibiotics to overcome infections, or even tooth extraction. Treatment will be given according to the condition of your teeth. Therefore, it is important to consult with a dentist.
  • Impaction

  • The next problem of molars is impaction. Actually this condition can occur in other teeth, but cases of impaction are more common in molars, especially wisdom teeth. Impaction occurs when a tooth does not grow completely, due to a barrier from other teeth. Impaction can also occur due to a mismatch between the size of the jaw and the size of the tooth. Immaction on molars can cause swollen gums accompanied by pain. This happens because in wisdom teeth which experience impaction, germs can get inside, causing infection. Overcoming the problem of molars or wisdom teeth that have impacted can be done by administering antibiotics according to the doctor's instructions, removing wisdom teeth, or by performing surgery on the gum.
  • Broken

  • Although it is at the very back, it does not mean wisdom teeth can escape from broken teeth. Broken teeth usually occur in teeth that are already damaged, such as porous teeth. If your molars are broken, don't panic. Immediately see the dentist. It is recommended that you store molars in the milk, because under certain conditions, tooth fractures can still be reattached by the doctor. But, this certainly depends on the level of damage that occurs.
Molar teeth are very important functions to chew and grind food. If you experience problems with molars, do not hesitate to consult a doctor immediately. Diligent brushing and gargling will help overall dental health and brighten your smile.


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